Sunday, March 1, 2015

Jacob's Birthday Party

For #10, Jacob wanted a variety of games including a ping pong tourney, pop-a-shot, & jump rope.  It also included a state capitals game and some puzzle competitions (this is Jacobs party after all!). So we filled up some brackets on poster board and the boys (and Jensen) competed.  There were some close matches!  

Back: Cole, Jackson, Jacob, Blake, Liam, Noah, 
Front: Ty, Nelson, Tucker, Carter, Austin, Aiden

Boys will be boys!

Various winners showing their prize.  Surprisingly, they all went with Juice Shop!

We had Jacob go around the room and say how long he'd known each boy.  There were 4 he's known since birth!  2 other boys are the sons of a friend Jennifer had had since 7th grade.

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