Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Young Bulls

Jacob and several of his good friends just finished up their b-ball season.  They managed to win a few and lose a few more.  The most exciting game involved a 13-1 run during the 4th quarter to pull off a 3-point win in the 1st game of the season-ending tourney.  That win was over a team that we'd lost to earlier in the season. 

Jacob came out of nowhere in the 2nd to last game to make several shots and lead the team in scoring with 12-14 points.  The boy was hot!  After struggling to score a single basket most games, it was fun to see him build some confidence.

For being a team of mostly 2nd graders in a 2/3 league, they showed a lot of determination and really improved over the course of the season.  They were a fun group of boys to coach as they seemed to all enjoy each other.

(L-R...Treas, Jacob, Scott, Brooks, Jake, Ty, Tucker, Mason)

Jacob at the free-throw line...

After winning their first game Saturday, Jacob and Brooks scout the next opponent...

Jensen and Landry (probably glad basketball is over!)

Coaches and sons...

Jacob & Brooks

Jacob and Ty

The Super Fan...

Monday, February 25, 2013

Bulls Game

Jacob and I were able to catch the Bulls/Bobcats game recently in Charlotte.  The Bulls smoked the Cats by 30.  Jacob gave a running commentary all game long! 

(Our seats were high but I promise it didn't feel like we were as far away as this picture would lead you to believe.  We were using some binoculars at times!)

Misc. Pics

Jensen and Anna making Valentines together after school.  Coincidentally, Anna is the daughter of Jennifer's good friend (Amy) from growing up.  Anna and Jensen are two of the 4 girls in their Kindergarten class and are also in Sunday School together.

A future postal worker...

Or trampoline competitor...

Friday, February 22, 2013

Valentine's Day Breakfast

Jennifer wanted to start a new tradition of a family breakfast on Valentine's morning.  Apparently the kids were on board with the idea as they were up before 6:30 in anticipation of it!

Face on the Oven

Janie loves the face she sees in the oven glass.  The fireplace window has the same face!

She made sure to tell us all about it!

Father/Daughter Dance

The Father/Daughter Dance hosted by our church has quickly became a highlight Jensen's social calendar. 

Jensen got to pick dinner.  After mom said "no" to McDonalds (apparently it's not nice enough!), Jensen went with Panera where she selected her staple off of that menu...a bagel and cream cheese.

Dancing with her friend and school classmate (Anna).  It took Jensen about 1 second to get on the dance floor and she went strong to the very end!

Janie Sleeping

Take note of Janie's bunny-blanket (and her back-up).  Yes, all three kids have them.  Jensen seems to be the only one that doesn't have hyper-attachment.

My's Birthday

So I got behind on some blog updates and rather than digging out when the dirt was shallow, I waited until it was 8-feet deep!

Anyway, first up are some pictures from My's birthday.  If you know Jacob well, you know that he's been sleeping with his bunny-blanket (My) for his entire life.  My has been over-nighted to Indianapolis when he was left behind in Greensboro.  My no longer has the stuffing in his face.  My still gets packed up for sleepovers.  On a couple occasions, I've suggested it might be time to put My in the closet...I won't do that again.

Recently, Jennifer commented that, with Jacob's 8th birthday around the corner, My was getting ready to turn 8.  Naturally (for Jacob anyway), Jacob asked, "when is My's birthday?"  Jennifer can vividly remember the occasion when a student gave My to us at a shower before Jacob was born.  In fact, Jennifer was able to figure out the exact date from back in 2005.  Therefore, it was only reasonable for us to have a birthday celebration for My. 

Jennifer had been storing away in the freezer the last raspberries from every carton we purchased during the past 6 months, so those were brought out for a fantastic cobbler that we enjoyed which was adorned with bunny-shaped cut-outs on top.

There is definitely a sense of nostalgia in both Jennifer and me.  It seems we've passed that long to Jacob.

My was unsuccessful in his attempt to blow out the candle so Jacob helped...