Monday, August 27, 2012

50th Anniversary Celebration

For Jennifer's mom, Donna, 2012 marks the 50th anniversary of having made a personal decision to follow Jesus Christ.  To celebrate the occasion, Donna wanted to mark the moment with a family dinner which would allow us to reflect on the Lord's blessing in her life all these years and to commemorate her consistent pursuit of a maturing relationship with Him.

It was a fun night.  However, the highlight of the evening was a moment orchestrated by Don that was equally unexpected and wonderful.  As we were ordering our food, Don's cell phone received a call from the wife of the man that led Donna to Christ as a young girl in St. Louis.  This gentleman had been the senior pastor at her church (before Don's dad arrived as senior pastor) and was leading a portion of the Vacation Bible School program when Donna's heart was pricked.

As I understand it, Don was aware that the former pastor is in Heaven.  Nonetheless, using the wonder of Google, Don had tracked down two men in the U.S. with his name.  Over the course of the past week, Don tried reaching the pastor's wife on several occasions without success.  With time running out, Don decided to leave a voicemail requesting that she call his telephone number during our dinner.  Sure enough...she called!  Right on time! 

Donna and the pastor's wife were able to mutually affirm each other.  It was a great moment!

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