Friday, March 2, 2012

Potholder Princess

Jensen has begun to make potholders. She finished her second the other night. Surprisingly, it took only about an hour to have it ready for removal from the loom. Her little fingers were moving much quicker than mine ever did/will (she doesn't use the wand with the hook to pull the band through). Of the 20 or so bands that were woven, she probably only had to redo about 3 or 4 of them. I couldn't believe it!

Jennifer and I both made these as kids as did some of our parents when they were kids. I recall there being a time in late elementary school where I think my grandmothers got one each Christmas and birthday for about 5 consecutive years!

Jensen whispered to me that she wanted to give it to mommy for her birthday (in September). I told her we could make another one when September approaches. Last I heard, she was planning to give this one to her gymnastics coach.

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