Wednesday, January 18, 2012

You Know Your Getting Older When...

seemingly out of nowhere, your 6-six-year-old wise-guy declares that your haircut is "just like Mark Martin's". For you NASCAR haters, Mark Martin is the universally-respected elder statesmen of the Spring Cup Series. Initially, one might interpret that the term "haircut" was used by Jacob to infer a similar hair style. Of course, in that sense, style would suggest a choice in how one would elect to wear their hair. To the contrary, in this case, it refers to a common quest of masking oncoming baldness as the short, clean-cut look is out of necessity for both Mark and me. Therefore, Jacob was really suggesting that both Mr. Martin and I are follicle-ly challenged. The burn for me is that Martin is north of 50. I pulled up a picture a moment ago hoping Jacob was badly mistaken. I chuckled to myself upon discovering that, unfortunately, as usual, Jacob's observation was right on target.

While hard to admit, it's uncanny how similar our two sets of hair are, yet I'm 35...bummer.

see for yourself...

1 comment:

  1. Tried posting a comment about this the other day & it wasn't working, so trying again! Just wanted you to know I got such a kick out of this & I believe you have Grampy to thank for your "haircut". ;)
