Monday, May 2, 2011

May 2

Happy Birthday, Jensen Jeanne our dancing machine!

Jensen turned 4 today. We're so proud of the sweet girl she is. Jensen makes us laugh numerous times a day with her funny phrases, curious questions and made up songs. Jensen arrived to this world in a bit of whirlwind and she hasn't stopped moving since. I'm not sure she walks in the house, she's either dancing, prancing, or skipping. At one point, she went to speech therapy out of fear she wasn't developing orally. Now, this house is oddly quiet if she's not around. Jensen's is a sweet and caring sister, cousin and friend who is known to often just blurt out, "mommy, I love you!".

A princess/art party is scheduled for Saturday with some girlfriends, but tonight she got to make the decision on dinner and dessert. Therefore, we headed to Pizza Hut for pizza and breaksticks and to Krispy Kreme for a donut (a night centered around dough!). She seemed to love every minute of it.

Here's a picture with a "big-girl" doll she received. It went out with us tonight and is sleeping with her now. The doll's name is Janie Grace!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday sweet Jensen--you really are a dancing machine!
