Monday, March 28, 2016

Uncle Herschel Throwback

Uncle Hersch recently headed to Heaven prompting this photo to be dug out.

Tracy, Jennifer, Chad and Clayton

Channeling Her Best Maria

Jennifer found Janie Grace singing "Doe a Dear a Female..." 

Guitar in hand...

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Jensen's 9th Party

Celebrated early to take advantage of the School skating party...

Lanie, Davis, Ellie, Landry, Jensen, Julia, Anna

Pancakes at Tex & Shirleys

Already built a Lego set gift 

Sunday, March 13, 2016

11th Birthday Party

Carter, Ty, Jacob, Jason 
Nelson, Brooks, Blake, Liam

Janie Grace holds court with the boys.

Good thing there was a 2nd pan of brownies after Jacob slobbered all over this one!

An epic tournament championship of pop-a-shot between Nelson and Jacob.