Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Post-Kindergarten Fun

The 4 girls missed each other already so Jensen, Anna, Anna Claire and Gigi got together for some backyard fun.  Then, Aiden thought it would be fun to take Janie Grace for a spin!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Jensen's Kindergarten Graduation

Jensen loved Kindergarten.  She didn't want it to end and would go back tomorrow if she could.  She and her 9 classmates were like a little family.  The seemed to all genuinely enjoy one another.  Ask Jensen and she'll tell you that her favorite day of the year was probably the day in December when only 4 students were at school...the 4 girls!

Jensen is in the middle with the blue/green dress on.

Getting a hug from Mrs. Martha

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Jacob's Piano Recital

Jacob did an excellent job with his piano recital.  He practiced hard and played really well.  We're all glad to be done listening to those songs he memorized!

Introducing the songs he would play.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Spring Finally Here!

It's been a cool and wet Spring but it seems Spring is finally here to stay!

Jensen enjoys making floral arrangements with flowers she finds around the yard.