Monday, April 29, 2013

Visit from Grandpa Jay

We had a fun visit with Grandpa Jay.  Lots of outdoor time with plenty of backyard baseball!


Monday, April 22, 2013

Jensen Playing Soccer

Jensen asked to play soccer this Spring which has been our family's first plunge into the sport.  So far, Jensen's highlight-reel play was a long throw-in that rolled into the goal!  It's fun to watch her mixing it up out there. 

To avoid confusion, Jacob is not on the team.  As the #1 fan of the Cheetahs (he patrols the sideline cheering for Jensen and her teammates all-the-while providing color commentary), he got in on the pre-game huddle. 

Quick story, there is a semi-circle in front of each goal that is a restricted area for both offense and defense (visible just to the right of the huddle).  It's intended to make the offense shoot the ball into the goal and to keep kids from playing goalie.  During the game, one of the Cheetahs (it may have been Jensen which is probably why his juices were flowing) had a shot that should have been a goal but for a defender basically playing goalie (not allowed).  I could hear Jacob yell in from the sideline loud enough for all to hear, "Dad, that should was goaltending!".  Clearly a reference to his current  Right idea, Jacob..wrong sport but technically correct per the rulebook of this league.  Nonetheless, he did stop short of asking for a time-out...which is a little jab at a memorable moment from Jennifer's soccer coaching days as a young middle-school teacher.  Ask her about it sometime.

An Edible Strawberry

New McDonalds

With a new McDonalds in the neighborhood, we figured they needed some business so we had our first visit after a bike/scooter/stroller ride.

Jensen's Reading Tree

Jensen has found a new place to do some afternoon reading...

Friday, April 19, 2013

2 years ago today...

...this little beauty had her heart dramatically repaired.  With a giant scar on her chest as recurring evidence, we're  reminded each time we change her clothes that the Lord graciously chose to repair her heart and allow her to have a very healthy little life.  Now, this little rascal climbs on every chair, opens every drawer and runs circles around us...while working an iPhone.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Cousins in Town

Jeff, Jill & kids were in town for the first part of Spring Break.

A picture is worth a thousand words...

Jensen introduced Lauren to her favorite tree.