Friday, January 18, 2013

Snow Day

3-4 inches of heaping snow has brought life in Greensboro to a rapid halt.  Since we don't get much of it, the kids must enjoy it while it lasts given that it'll be 50-degrees by Sunday.

By all accounts, Jacob and Jensen squeezed out the most fun possible from a relatively modest amount of icy snow.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

New wagon for Janie Grace

Poppy D and Gigi gave JG a new wagon for Christmas that is a bit more appropriate for her (deep seats and straps) than our traditional Radio Flyer wagon.  Nothing like a 72-degree day in January to break it in!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Janie & Her Dresser Drawer

When suddenly Janie has disappeared and all is quiet, chances are she is probably pulling clothes out of the dresser drawers in her room.  It's amazing how quickly she can make a mess!

In this example, she had emptied out the drawer and was actually beginning to place the items back in the dresser (so that she could pull them out again!).

Sometimes we just let her have at it because it'll keep her occupied for 30 minutes!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Jacob got a new toy for Christmas that he's quite excited about given that he spends 10+ hours-a-week (no exaggeration) shooting hoops on either our outdoor regular basketball hoop or on his indoor over-the-door hoop.  Now, he has a third option!  This one is available to him in the garage. 

The process of assembling started like this...

3 hours later...

Reports from home indicate that Jacob was in the garage shooting less than a minute after waking up this morning!

Indy Pics Part II

Janie loved interacting with "baby" Regan. 

After a busy week and a morning at church, Janie couldn't make it through lunch!

Hotel stays going and coming included fun evenings in the pool.  On the way home, we learned why pools require swim diapers.  Trust us...use swim diapers!