Monday, November 26, 2012

6 years ago today...

Jacob at about 21 months.  Jason & Jennifer looking quite a bit younger!

Thanksgiving = Football

Jacob got a large dose of football this past weekend...NFL on Thursday, a semi-final high school game on Friday night, the UNC/Maryland game on Saturday and more NFL on Sunday.

Here is Jacob with good friend Brooks at Friday night's game.

Jacob with cousin Miller at the UNC game.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Jacob and Jensen did some indoor tent "camping" to kick off the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Red Leaves

A highlight of each Fall is looking at the maple tree in the yard across the street.  Every year it's a magnificent red.  When the sunlight hits the tree in the early morning and late afternoon, the leaves appear to glow.

Jensen's Thanksgiving Program

Jensen's kindergarten class got us in the mood for the holiday week.  (Yes, that is her class...10 kids and 2 teachers...wonderful!)

The highlight of the program was Jensen and Anna saying their line in the class skit as pilgrim women..."Mercy Me".

Monday, November 12, 2012

Jacob's Talent Show

These pics are from last Spring when Jacob participated in the talent show and played a song in front of the entire school!

Funny Pics of Janie Grace

A couple funny moments over the weekend...

Janie decided to get into the bath with Jacob and Jensen before her clothes were off!

Absolutely out of it by the time we got home from church!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Janie (napping when these pictures were snapped) was a Chicago Bears cheerleader.