Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Buddy Walk Pics (Part 2)


Buddy Walk Recap

This past Saturday was the Buddy Walk here in Greensboro.  It was a wonderful day and, by all accounts, fun was had by all!  We're glad that we can participate in such a memorable event each year.

Certainly, we want to take this moment to thank those that supported Team Janie Grace with "High 5's".  We really appreciate it.  We can say without hesitation that the money given is being put to great use as families touched by Down Syndrome are being well-supported in this area.  Thanks for your generosity.  Also, a special thank you to those that made the effort to walk alongside Janie Grace on this special day for her and us.  Our family felt loved and cared for on a day that has become important to each of us. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday, Charlotte!

I'd never seen a 1-year-old dominate a cupcake as methodically as Charlotte did (although she is Tracy's daughter!).  She loved it!

Frosting good...

 Cake great...

Monday, October 22, 2012

Jason & Jennifer

Over the weekend, we got the great opportunity to have a night away for the purpose of attending the wedding of Jason's colleague, Sean.  While gone, we lamented the fact that we're not as young as we once were (but that didn't stop us on the dance floor!).  I suppose that seeing a bunch of 20-somethings at the wedding was our overt reminder.  But come on, do we really look like a couple that has been married for 12+ years?  Yes, I suppose we do!  No matter the case, we had a fun 24 hours away.

Recent Random Pics

Janie is certainly looking like the almost 2-year-old that she is.  Maybe we'll have a personal shopper in a couple years!

Two monkeys in a barrel.

Jensen picking some peanuts at a local garden.

Jacob and Donna play a word game when they go out for breakfast.  Donna picks a relevant subject, writes it down and Jacob uses the letters to make words he knows.  On this day, Jacob found 24 words!

Jacob and Jensen doing homework with cousin Miller.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Ms. Margaret and JG

A sweet friend of the entire Miller family...Ms. Margaret has prayed for Janie daily since before she was born.

Janie is Walkin' and Talkin'

We can officially say that Janie Grace is walking now. It's her go-to mode of transportation. This video doesn't quite do her mobility justice but you get the point.

We're hearing more sounds that attempts at words. In this clip, you'll hear reference to "Ba" (bottle) and an "uh oh" after picking up her bottle that fell to the floor.


No doubt that these two are related!

Jennifer with Tracy's kids (Miller & Charlotte)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Janie Drinks a Bottle

Showing that she's getting stronger, Janie is now able to drink from a bottle using her own hands/arms.  It's taken her time to develop the necessary muscle strength to keep it upright near her mouth.

Showing that her mind is getting stronger too...Here she waits by the front window for mommy to come home.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Misc. Pics

Make yourself comfortable Jensen!

Lots of toys in the house but nothing is as fun as unrolling toilet paper!

Jensen dressed herself this week.  (No, it wasn't mismatch day at school.)