Friday, September 23, 2011

Why Wear Your New Glasses...

...when you can eat them???!!!

Give Janie Grace a High Five!

We plan to participate in our first Down Syndrome Buddy Walk on October 15th, an annual event here in Greensboro at Triad Park. If you are interested in giving Janie Grace a "High Five", a $5 donation, which will benefit people with Down Syndrome in our area, please go to and click on "donate" at the bottom. Fill out the requested information, then when the screen says "Review your donation", you MUST click on "Donate in support of" written in small blue letters listed on the left hand side underneath Down Syndrome Network of Greater Greensboro and insert Janie Grace's name before your final click. This is the main fundraiser for the Down Syndrome Network of Greater Greensboro and we all would greatly appreciate your "High Fives" and support!

If you would like to walk with us, we would love to have you join in the fun. Please feel no pressure to come, but if you would like to participate, please register at There will be food, crafts, games, raffle and prizes, and a one mile walk. The event starts at 11:00 and the walk is at 1:00.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

JG at Cardiologist

Jennifer had a visit with Janie Grace at the cardiologist today so that they could take another look at her heart. Everything looks great that Janie doesn't have to go back to the cardiologist for an ENTIRE YEAR.

Next Appt: 9/11/2012.

After again hearing the doctor repeatedly refer to Janie's heart surgery as a "complex" repair, this is an enormous blessing!

Jensen Dancing

Jensen is thrilled to be taking dance lessons once a week at a local church. She looks forward to it each Tuesday. For a girl that prances around the house, this is right up her alley.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Pool 2011

Going to the pool was certainly the highlight of the summer for the kids. We were there morning, noon and night on weekdays and on weekends. There was never a groan uttered when told we were heading for the pool. Along the way, we got to spend lots of time with old friends and make new friends. Many of our closest friends also belong to this pool allowing for many memorable events.

Both of the kids became much more confident swimmers and each learned to dive. It's worth noting that Jacob started the summer watching his friends go off the low-dive. By the end, he was spending most of his time in the deep well. No exaggeration, he went off the board hundreds and hundreds of times. Jensen is simply a fish...swimming laps in the deep end, completely comfortable in water over her head and she loved to be thrown high in the air.

Ol' mom and dad dusted off the diving board tricks as well. The game for me was catching a football going head first into the water (you can see a ball on its way in one pic). After several tries, I finally accomplished the task thanks to expert throws from Robert and a willingness to potentially brutalize my body. Jennifer did flips and brought back the cheerleader jumps.

Janie Grace loved the pool during July and August, but once the water chilled due to cooler evenings, she was glad to be held and take in the view.

By the end, Jacob was sad to say good-bye for 9 months.

But fear season is here!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Jensen's First Day of School

Jensen went about Day 1 as if she'd been doing it for 3 months. Sure, there was some extra spring in her step this morning, but, with 2 close friends awaiting her in class and 2 years of watching her brother do this, Jensen went to school with a veteran's confidence.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

JG Gaining Weight Too Fast!

If you're like us, this will probably make you laugh, but the pendulum has completely swung and we've been advised that Janie is adding weight at too fast a rate! Early in her life, we were praying for ounces (and thrilled by each one). Now, we chuckle that prayers have been answered to a point where we must adjust her caloric intake downward. There is no reason for her concern, but we have been advised to reduce the calories/ounce of fluid she receives. Simply, we'll go through less formula each day but will still try to get the same amount of fluid (water) into her.

This is a problem we'd much rather have!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Two Jensens

Those that know Jensen best love her endless energy and effusive enthusiasm. At home or in places where she is completely comfortable, Jensen's movement is constant. Sometimes it's her hands and feet and other times it's her mouth. Either way, in those moments, nobody would consider her to be shy.

In a new situation or one that lacks comfort, Jensen will often hide behind an adult leg or bury her face in a shoulder. Rather intentionally, we have to encourage her to make eye contact and speak above a whisper.

Naturally, most of the pictures we share are of the Jensen described in paragraph #1 as they are the easiest to capture. Recently, Jensen got to attend a wedding. The photographer snapped the picture below which may be one of the better pictures we ever have to portray the Jensen we know and love in paragraph #2.

Jacob & Janie Grace

The older Janie gets...the more Jacob interacts with her. This morning he was upset not being able to kiss her before heading off to school.